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For all queries about Vaccinations, please see the NHS Grampian Vaccinations website or contact the NHS Vaccination Teams on the following numbers:

  • Adult Vaccination Team: 0345 337 9899
  • Children Under 5 Vaccination Team: 07876 258624
  • School Age Children Vaccination Teams: 07780 578329 / 01542 837031

Most vaccinations are now delivered in Vaccination Centres (such as the Fiona Elcock Vaccination Centre in Elgin), community pharmacies (for travel vaccinations) and by the Health Visiting / School Nursing Team (childhood vaccinations).

GP Practices are no longer responsible for vaccinations. Please, do not call us regarding immunisations as we will not be able to make an appointment for you.

This guide can help you understand the vaccines offered in the UK and when to have them. It also explains how they work and why they’re safe and important. If you have any questions or concerns regarding vaccinations, please contact us.