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Self Referral

Some referrals, particularly to consultants and specialties within the NHS, will be at the advice of your GP after consultation with them. However, there are a number of services you can make self-referrals to. Doing this often makes better sense as you are the best person to describe your needs.

The following services are local or national organisations that we feel are the most useful to highlight to our patients. There are many other national organisations and support groups listed in the Help & Support Organisations section of the website.

Affa sair

Affa Sair is a charity based in Forres, for chronic pain sufferers. They are part of the Scottish Government's new Chronic Pain Framework along with Pain Association, Pain Concern and the Health and Social Care Alliance. Affa sair has a very good relationship with NHS Grampian Pain Services and Scottish Universities. They now have over 700 members.

Out-of-Hours Emergency Dental Service (GDENS)

If you are in pain or have a genuine dental emergency on a weekend or out of hours, you can contact NHS 24 on 111. NHS 24 will assess your needs and issue an emergency appointment if necessary.

Dental Information & Advice Line (DIAL)

Available for patients to talk to qualified dental nurses between 8.05am and 6pm, Monday to Friday. The nurses can; assess your needs and give you an emergency appointment if necessary, give you advice for dental problems, provide details of NHS dentists in your local area
0345 45 65 990

Unplanned Pregnancy

Finding that you have an unplanned pregnancy can be emotionally difficult and stressful. Some people will choose to continue the pregnancy but others will choose to have a termination (abortion). If you have an unplanned pregnancy you can contact your own GP who will refer you to the sexual health service OR if you live in the Grampian region you can contact the sexual health service directly on the number listed, Monday to Friday 9.00am - 2.00pm
01224 655535

Travel Vaccinations

This service is now provided by community pharmacies. Details of participating pharmacies can be found on the attached website.

Smoking Advice Service

Whatever your reasons are for smoking and for wanting to quit, with the right support you are four times more likely to become smokefree. Choose from a variety of support options including through local pharmacies.
08085 20 20 30

NHS Grampian Sexual Health

Providing support on sexual health, problems and contraception across all age groups in Grampian. Includes online appointment booking.
0345 337 9900

Moray Food Bank (Moray Food Plus)

Working with partners (social work, housing and health) in Moray to support people in crisis.
01343 208293

Moray School Bank

A registered charity providing new school uniform and warm winter clothing to children in Moray, and also provide coaching and counselling.
01340 212101

Moray NHS Podiatry Service

NHS Podiatry Service – complete the self-referral form and post or email to the service. For simple nail cutting, please see Moray Handyperson Service - the NHS podiatry service is not able to provide this service. Complete the referral form on the website and return it to the Moray postal or email address given on the form.

Moray HandyPerson Services

Moray HandyPerson Services aims to help you stay safe and independent in your own home – to do small jobs, such as changing a light bulb, fitting draught excluders, fitting curtain rails, replacing toilet seats, hanging curtains, assembling flat-packs, etc. Also offers: a toenail trimming service; de-cluttering; help with shopping or pet care if you are unwell or just out of hospital.
01343 559739

Moray Hydrotherapy Pool

Moray Hydrotherapy Pool re-opened on 18th October, 2021. It is fully wheelchair accessible and has hoist facilities for disabled users. Sessions can be booked directly, with no need for GP referral, and have benefits for a wide range of conditions including arthritis, muscular dystrophy, MS, cerebral palsy, autism, as well as victims of strokes or accidents and pre & post-surgery patients as well as sports and work related injuries.
01309 672984

Moray Council Housing and Homelessness

Moray Council service covering housing and homelessness
0300 1234566

Gamblers Anonymous

A fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problems and help others to recover from gambling addiction. Website link include details of Moray meetings.
0370 050 8881

Worried about money – Moray

Advice and support is available if you're struggling to make ends meet.

Moray Council Money Advice

Money Advice can help anyone in Moray who is struggling with debt – this can range from a missed payment to large arrears. It can be for a single debt or multiple debts. Their advisers will offer free, confidential and non-judgemental advice.
0300 123 4563 (ask for money advice)

Moray Citizens Advice Bureau

Free independent, confidential and impartial advice.
01343 550088

Moray Sonas Wellbeing Service

Experienced staff who understand that life is full of ups and downs and sometimes it’s a struggle to deal with. The team has many different ideas and methods to help children and young people through difficult times.
01343 549557

Quarriers Young Carer Support Service (Moray)

Provides advice and support to carers between the ages of 8-17 (or age 18 and still at school). This service is based at 232 High Street, Elgin, IV30 1BA
01343 556031

Quarriers Adult Carer Support Service (Moray)

Provides advice and support to adults giving unpaid care in Moray. This service is based at 232 High Street, Elgin, IV30 1BA
01343 556031

CLAN Cancer Support

For anyone affected by a cancer diagnosis, providing emotional and practical support.
07809 339820

Bladder and Bowel Moray

Advice on bladder or bowel weakness from the Healthpoint Team at Dr Gray’s Hospital in Elgin.
0500 20 20 30

Cruse Bereavement Care

Help and support after the death of someone close.
0808 808 1677

Grampian Child Bereavement Network

Provides support to bereaved children and young people across Grampian.
01224 554152

Moray Council Benefits Service

Help with your rent / housing / council tax or help with welfare benefits (crisis grants, etc).
01343 563456

Arrows Drug & Alcohol Support

Quarriers Arrows Service provides drug and alcohol support in Moray.
01343 610500

NHS Grampian Physiotherapy service

The NHS Grampian MSK Physiotherapy website explains what the physiotherapy service can offer. It includes advice on self-care for a variety of conditions and a self-referral form.

Access Care Team

Moray Council Access Care Team: a single point of contact for all initial enquiries about care and support.
01343 563999

Living life to the full

Free online courses covering low mood, stress and resilience. Work out why you feel as you do, how to tackle problems, build confidence, get going again, feel happier, stay calm, tackle upsetting thinking and more. Our courses are free for individuals using them in their own lives.


Self-referral web-based support for sleep problems.

SilverCloud – Self Referral

SilverCloud – interactive computer programme accessible without a referral for these packages: · Managing Stress · Managing Sleep · Developing Resilience · Managing During Covid-19 You will be asked to set up an account by creating a username and password. You will also be asked to enter a pin which is Scotland2020.

Breathing Space – Open up when you are feeling down

Breathing Space is Scotland's mental health phone and Webchat service responding to people who are experiencing distress in their lives. It is an integral part of NHS 24's suite of mental health support services.
0800 83 85 87

Arranging or changing your DRS (diabetic retinopathy screening) appointment

Contact the diabetic retinopathy screening (DRS) service that can arrange appointments and answer any questions or problems you might have.When you receive your DRS invitation letter you might need to contact your local service to arrange a time to have the test. You can also ask for a new appointment if you fail to, or can no longer, attend your appointment.
0345 330 2320

Book your Midwife appointment

Your first main appointment is your booking appointment (booking visit) with your midwife normally between 8 and 12 weeks of pregnancy. If you've just found out that you're pregnant, get the best start for you and your baby by making an appointment with a midwife. You do not need to see your GP first. Simply call the number below.
01309 678867

Request transport to your Healthcare Appointment

Patient Transport Service provides ambulances to patients who need support to reach their healthcare appointment, or for their admission to and discharge from hospital, due to their medical/clinical needs.
0300 123 1236

My Diabetes My Way

The NHS Scotland interactive diabetes website to help support people who have diabetes and their family and friends. You'll find leaflets, videos, educational tools and games containing information about diabetes. You can now also use this website to view your own up-to-date diabetes clinic results, to help you manage your condition more effectively.