Back Pain
Who do I see?
For new or worsened back pain please follow the advice and symptom checker at NHS Inform. Your community pharmacist can also provide help and support with managing back pain. Some simple back exercises are available here.
If things do not improve after 7 days please submit an online medical consultation request for the GP Clinical Team giving us as much information about your problem as you can. We will respond usually with an offer of an appointment with the First Contact Physiotherapist, GP or other suitable clinician to assess your problem further.
If the symptom checker on NHS Inform suggested that you seek more urgent advice or you have back pain with the following ‘Red Flag’ symptoms then please submit an online medical consultation request for the Urgent Medical Problem Team giving us as much information about your problem as you can. You will get a same-day response usually by telephone or a time to attend the surgery for further assessment and examination.
Red Flag symptoms for back pain:
- Pain going down BOTH legs
- Numbness, altered feeling and/or pins and needles around your back passage or genitals (e.g. when wiping your bottom)
- New or recent loss of bladder and/or bowel control
- New or recent reduction in your urinary flow
- A complete inability to pass any urine
- Loss of sensation during sex
- change in the ability to achieve an erection or ejaculate
If you cannot use the online service please call us on 0345 337 1120 and a member of the care navigation team will help you.