Blood Pressure Monitoring
Who do I see?
If you would like to check your blood pressure and you do not currently have diagnosed high blood pressure (hypertension) or another long-term health problem (such as diabetes) you can have it checked at your local community pharmacy or by using the automated self-check machine in our waiting room. For most people, NICE would recommend you have a self-taken resting blood pressure of 135/85 or less.
If your blood pressure is higher than recommended, please submit an online medical consultation request for the GP Clinical Team giving us as much information about your blood pressure as you can. We will respond usually with an offer of an appointment with a GP or other suitable clinician to assess this further.
Please be reassured that we will take a sensible approach to your blood pressure and typically would not just prescribe medication to you based on an isolated raised blood pressure measurement. We may perform a home blood pressure assessment to check to see if this is a problem that will be important to you. There is often an opportunity to try lifestyle changes to reduce your blood pressure before considering medication too.
If you have pre-existing high blood pressure (hypertension) or another long-term health problem we will likely already be checking your blood pressure for you at least every year, usually in the month of your birthday.
If you get a blood pressure reading of over 180/120 please submit an online medical consultation request for the Urgent Medical Problem Team giving us as much information, including the blood pressure reading you have taken, as you can. You will get a same-day response usually by telephone or a time to attend the surgery for further assessment and examination.
If you have been asked by a clinician to get your blood pressure checked in an appointment, please call us on 0345 337 1120 to arrange an appointment with a healthcare assistant in the timeframe they recommended to you.
If you cannot use the online service please call us on 0345 337 1120 and a member of the care navigation team will help you.