Chest Pain
Who do I see?
999 or A&E for severe symptoms / GP
Phone 999 immediately if:
You or someone else has symptoms like:
- central chest pain or discomfort in the chest that doesn’t go away – it may feel like pressure, tightness or squeezing
- pain that radiates down the left arm, or both arms, or to the neck, jaw, back or stomach
- unconsciousness
- seizures or fitting
- difficulty breathing (snoring or rasping)
- rapid heartbeat
- low or undetectable heartbeat
- blue or pale tingling of knees, hands and lips
- chest pain and breathlessness, nausea, sweating or coughing up blood
as they may be having a heart attack or another serious problem requiring urgent hospital care.
If your symptoms are less severe please submit an online medical consultation request for the Urgent Medical Problem Team giving us as much information about your problem as you can. You will get a same-day response usually by telephone or a time to attend the surgery for further assessment and examination.
Further information about chest pain is available from NHS inform.
If you cannot use the online service please call us on 0345 337 1120 and a member of the care navigation team will help you.