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Skin Conditions

Who do I see?

Community Pharmacy / GP if needed


For advice about a new skin condition, please visit your community pharmacy in first. They are able to diagnose and treat the majority of simple and common skin problems. They will also be able to advise you if you need to seek further advice.

For issues with skin conditions that you have had for a long time such as psoriasis or eczema, please submit an online medical consultation request for the GP Clinical Team giving us as much information about your problem as you can. We will respond usually with an offer of an appointment with a GP or other suitable clinician to assess your problem further.

If you feel that you have a more urgent issue with your skin condition, for example, you think your eczema has suddenly become much worse and you are struggling to manage it with the medicines you have at home, please submit an online medical consultation request for the Urgent Medical Problem Team giving us as much information about your problem as you can. You will get a same-day response usually by telephone or a time to attend the surgery for further assessment and examination.

Further information about common skin conditions is available from NHS Inform.

If you cannot use the online service please call us on 0345 337 1120 and a member of the care navigation team will help you.