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Community Pharmacy / GP


Vomiting is a common symptom that we will all experience many times in our lives. It is usually safe to manage by yourself at home and passes within a couple of days. The most common cause in people that are otherwise well is viral gastroenteritis which can also cause tummy pains and diarrhoea. The main risk is of dehydration.

Please follow the self-care advice on the NHS Inform link below. This can also help you know when to seek further advice from us and when to stop certain medications until you are well again. Your local community pharmacy can also provide advice and treatment for vomiting and dehydration.

If you have been recommended to seek further advice by the NHS Inform self-help guide or your pharmacy, or you have been vomiting for more than 48 hours, please submit an online medical consultation request for the Urgent Medical Problem Team giving us as much information about your problem as you can. You will get a same-day response usually by telephone or a time to attend the surgery for further assessment and examination.

Self-help guide about vomiting available from NHS inform.

If you cannot use the online service please call us on 0345 337 1120 and a member of the care navigation team will help you.